Over a year into the pandemic, British Columbians are exhausted and just doing our best to make it through to the home stretch of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year has been full of challenges and has affected us all, and as a result, we sometimes forget to pay attention to the little things that can cause serious preventable injuries.
To address this, in 2021, we reminded people not to miss the obvious—slip-ups like ladder falls when cleaning up the yard, driving over the posted speed limit, and tripping on stairs. We focused on the basics, following input from British Columbians telling us that they wanted injury-prevention messaging, despite facing the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was clear that everyday risks were going unnoticed, and a cheeky reminder was welcome. Let us know what you think—do you pay attention to these “obvious” risks when going about your day?
Pointing out the Obvious Campaign